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Added Benefits Of Charcoal Soap.

Added Benefits Of Charcoal Soap.

Posted by Sugga on Apr 26th 2024

Charcoal soap and regular soap both serve the fundamental purpose of cleansing the skin, but they differ in their composition and potential benefits.Regular soap, typically made from a combination of … read more
Holistic Approach to Skincare

Holistic Approach to Skincare

Posted by Sugga on Mar 21st 2024

Using all-natural ingredients for skincare is often touted as a healthier and more beneficial approach compared to products containing synthetic or chemical ingredients. Here's why:Reduced Risk of Irr … read more
Got into an argument about vaping.

Got into an argument about vaping.

Posted by Sugar on Mar 8th 2024

I got into a argument today with a friends son who was informing me that vaping is not dangerous at all. And the truly sad thing was this 19 year old new it all and nothing anyone said or showed him w … read more