CBD Explained

Posted by Sugga on Aug 2nd 2022

CBD Explained

Though skin obviously has always been very important, it has never been more so than in recent times. Over the years, it has become increasingly common for more and more people to have skincare routines. To be honest, besides very affluent women, this was not the case for most people not so long ago. Especially not among men.

Why go to lengths to care for it? The skin is the largest organ in the body and is the first line of defense your body has against a host of things out there that's harmful. Then there's simple vanity. People have realized that taking good care of it, will leave you looking young even long past your prime. What ever the reasoning it's a good thing overall. Among popular skincare routines, something has been gaining popularity over recent years, CBD.

Some celebrities swear by it, and you may be wondering if your skin could also use a little bit of it. The answer is, YES! CBD has been blowing up lately, and not without reason. People report that it relieves their pain and inflammation, reduces nausea, increases appetite, and even helps with sleeping, among other things. It has also made a massive break in the beauty world due to its potential benefits on the skin. So, how does it work? Read on to find out.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is present in the hemp and marijuana plant. It is one of the hundreds of compounds found in cannabis. Two of the most common compounds include CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as THC. However, THC is psychoactive and will end up getting you’ high.’ On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive and, thus, you will not end up experiencing any kind of ‘high’ after taking it. That is one of the main reasons why it has become quite popular. Marijuana is a cannabis strain with higher THC levels, while hemp, the primary source of CBD, has negligible THC levels. Depending on the levels of refinement the levels of THC will very. You go with a full spectrum CBD then there are traces of THC in it. If you go with a CBD Isolate there is NO THC in the product.

Skin, What Is It?

The human skin is a dynamic organ that has many functions. First, it acts as a protective barrier against the environment and countless external factors. It also has its own immune system and sensory nerves. Three layers make up our skin: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutis.

The Epidermis

The epidermis is the outermost layer itself formed by layers of cells known as keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are also the producers of keratin. Anandamide controls the differentiation of these keratinocytes.

However, taking CBD lowers the activity of the FAAH enzyme that is responsible for the degradation of anandamide. Thus, the ability of CBD to raise the anandamide levels, hence influencing skin differentiation. This is one of the reasons why some skin products include CBD as an ingredient.

According to research, CB1 receptors in keratinocytes activate when you take CBD. Its activation leads to lessening of allergic inflammation. This happens as a result of the modulation of pro-inflammatory chemokines, and activation of CB2 receptors in the keratinocytes releases endorphins. This may help relieve pain and deal with atopic dermatitis as CBD induces antioxidant pathways. The epidermis is usually waterproof. It also helps protect against UV rays, extreme temperature, microbes, and chemicals.

The Dermis

The dermis, which is the next layer of the skin, is made of collagen and elastic fibers—these work to give the skin its strength and elasticity. The dermis houses the sebaceous glands that supply sebum, follicles that produce hair, and glands that secrete sweat. They all help regulate the body’s temperature, reinforce the skin’s waterproof barrier, and even produce hormones and vitamins. Also, the dermis is where the immune system of the skin actually resides. When the body is in danger, all skin cell types help in protecting and healing the skin. And, the dermis is where the sensory nerve fibers are.

The Subcutis

The final layer of the skin is known as the subcutis. It has fat that acts as a cushion, insulator, and fuel reserve for the body.

Where Are The CBD Receptors in Skin?

Since it is the largest organ in the body, the human skin contains many cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids our bodies naturally produce. The endocannabinoid system is a crucial multifaceted homeostatic regulator in the body.

Since its discovery in the 1990s, the ECS and its inner workings have been under research. Several endogenous ligands, receptors, complex enzymes, and a transporter apparatus comprise this network.

In addition, it influences various psychological and physiological processes in the body. This is because these components aid in synthesizing, releasing, and transporting endocannabinoid molecules.

The ECS helps keep the internal systems of the body stable, such as appetite, sleep, memory, and mood. Both the skin and the bloodstream are capable pathways for successfully absorbing CBD. At the most basic level, the ECS consists of:

  • Two naturally occurring endocannabinoids, 2-AG and anandamide, both found in the sebaceous glands.
  • Two cannabinoid receptors, namely receptor CB1 and receptor CB2.
  • Enzymes that synthesize and degrade endocannabinoids, such as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH).

Besides endocannabinoids, there is a second class of cannabinoids known as phytocannabinoids. The latter are cannabinoids that occur naturally within plants. CBD is actually a phytocannabinoid; it occurs naturally within the hemp plant. Both endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids seem to either antagonized, activate, or inhibit various cellular targets in the body.

The two primary receptors in the ECS include CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 is found in the central nervous system, while CB2 locates in the peripheral nervous system. When you take CBD, it interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors. That sets off a series of reactions in the body, such as pain management and anxiety relief.

How Do They Work?

The skin has four main skin cell types; keratinocytes, melanocytes, sebocytes, and mast cells. Mast cells also contain the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These work at wound healing, blood vessel formation, angiogenesis, and pathogenic immune responses.

They are also carriers of underlying allergic reactions. When you take CBD, the CB1 receptors activate, helping deal with skin allergies and skin diseases related to mast cells. Melanocytes produce melanin that protects the skin from UV radiation.

Anandamide activation induces the melanogenesis process in these cells. Hence, its CBD receptors may help reduce the damage when the skin is under UV light. According to recent studies, it seems that the activation of cannabinoid receptors is also a potential way to slow down tumors’ growth.

Sebocytes, on the other hand, help produce sebum. If they are overactive, excess oil can lead to acne. CBD receptors in skin can treat acne by suppressing sebocytes’ proliferation. Plus, its anti-inflammatory properties effectively treat the already visible acne.

Topical Effects Of CBD

One of the questions many people seem to have is how taking CBD topically will help their skin. See, the skin works in homeostasis, and CBD may help in attaining it. Therefore, when you take CBD, you may help maintain homeostasis and control the skin cell function’s balance.

CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the skin, hence providing numerous potential benefits. Transdermal CBD products can also do this as they pass through the skin barrier and into the bloodstream. Topical CBD interacts with the epidermis and hence works in the skin.

The potential for cannabinoids to support the health of the ECS has led to CBD popularity. That is the reason why so many people are using CBD topicals for skincare. However, before buying a CBD topical, there are some factors that you will need to consider.

Buyer Beware

One of the most crucial things that you should do is read the label. This is because some manufacturers make CBD topicals using additives and dyes, which could actually be harmful. So, better know what you are using. Make sure you read the labels and avoid CBD products that have synthetic ingredients.

Those additives may have chemical reactions with the other ingredients, including the cannabinoids. This could alter the CBD’s overall potency and the final effect it will have on your skin. Therefore, make sure you buy CBD creams and lotions consisting of all-natural ingredients. Also, check to see if the CBD product has been third-party tested or not. This is the only way to ensure the purity and quality of the product.

No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on low-quality products. Save yourself the hassle and check the reviews of the seller to see if they are trustworthy. If anything about them does not sit well with you, avoid buying from them.

The Takeaway

CBD receptors in skin, as seen above, play a crucial role in providing a homeostatic balance to the body. They help maintain healthy skin and protect against a series of skin conditions. However, research on CBD use is still ongoing.

On the other hand, there are many testimonials from people who already use it and swear by the purported skin benefits. Remember, you should talk to your doctor before you start taking CBD. That is especially true if you are pregnant or on medications. CBD may interact with some prescription meds; therefore, a doctor will better advise you on how to proceed.

If you want to give CBD a try, start slowly and see how your skin reacts. This is especially important to those with sensitive skin. However, as seen above, CBD is safe to use, and research consistently points to the stunning effects it has on the skin. Aren’t you even a bit curious to try?