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CBD Potency Tests



Below are links to the potency for each of our CBD products.


1000mg bar of CBD Infused Oatmeal Honey Soap tested out to be 1132mg per bar. Click Here to see lab results.   
1250mg 8oz Bottle of CBD Infused Lotion tested out to be 1338mg per bottle. Click Here to see lab results.
5000mg 8oz Bottle of CBD Infused Lotion tested out to be 4967.5mg per bottle. Click Here to see lab results.
15000mg 8oz Bottle of CBD Infused Lotion tested out to be 14982mg per bottle. Click Here to see lab results.
5000mg Travel size CBD Infused Lotion tested out to be 1256mg per 2oz bottle. Click Here to see lab results. 
15000mg Travel size CBD Infused Lotion tested out to be 3623mg per 2oz bottle. Click Here to see lab results. 
250mg CBD Infused Pink Himalayan Bath Salts tested out to be 256mg per 3oz bag. Click Here to see lab results. 
2000mg CBD Infused Massage Oil tested out to be 2046mg per 2oz bottle. Click Here to see lab results. 
1000mg 12oz CBD Infused Sugar Scrub tested out to be 1257.75mg per jar. Click Here to see lab results.