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​Reflections Of My Father.

Sep 25th 2024

​Reflections Of My Father.

There are moments in life when words feel inadequate to capture the essence of a man, and writing about my father, is one of those moments. Born on October 19, 1943, and passing away on August 28, 2024, my father left an indelible mark on everyone who knew him. He was a loving husband, a dedicated father, a mentor, and an advocate for so many. But to me and my brother, he was simply “Dad”—the man we adored, the man who shaped us into who we are today.

Dad had an exceptional way of balancing so many roles in life. To my mother, he was a loving devoted husband, always her rock through thick and thin. They shared over 50 years of marriage, built on mutual respect, deep love, and an unwavering commitment to one another. To my brother and me, he was more than just a father—he was for lack of a better word our hero, our guiding light, and the person we could always turn to no matter what. He instilled in us the values of hard work, perseverance, and compassion, and above all, he taught us to be good men.

Being a commercial airline captain was something he took immense pride in. For over three decades, he traveled the world, meeting amazing people from every walk of life. He always had a story to share about his adventures, whether it was a conversation with a stranger at an airport or a particularly challenging flight. The world was his office, but no matter where he was, he never forgot where home was. He would return from long flights, exhausted, but still made time to be present with us, whether it was helping with homework or raising the hood on whatever car was in the body shop for hands-on learning. He was there for us.

He grew up working in his father’s body shop, and that early experience shaped so much of who he became. Devloping a deep love for cars, even while flying he kept a body shop to work in. He especially loved restoring classic vehicles and building custom race cars. Some of my fondest memories as a child are the times we’d spend in the body shop, covered in grease, working on whatever project he had going. Dad had an incredible attention to detail and an endless well of patience. He didn’t just fix cars—he made them come alive. He passed that passion on to me, and those experiences became a big part of our relationship. I realize that not being able to pick up a phone and ask his advise about a car issue will be something I’ll greatly miss.

One of his greatest gifts was his ability to connect with people. He was never afraid to talk to a stranger, and he approached everyone with the same warmth and genuine curiosity. It didn’t matter if it was someone at the grocery store or a passenger on one of his flights—Dad could strike up a conversation with anyone. And it wasn’t just talk; if someone needed help, he was the first to offer a hand. He had this quiet way of making everyone feel seen and heard, and I admired that about him.

Later in life, after his retirement from flying, Dad and I started a construction company together and the fact that we got to build something together—something lasting—was incredibly special to me. Working alongside him every day was a privilege. His wisdom, work ethic, and sheer determination were unmatched. The calculated systematic approach he would take at setting up for a job is something I still use everyday. Something that I will always use. Even on the toughest days, he would approach the challenges with calm and resolve, teaching me through his actions that anything worth doing is worth doing right.

Faith was a cornerstone of my father’s life. He was a man of deep belief, and his relationship with God was something he cherished. He was an active member of the Episcopal Church and found great peace and purpose in his faith. It wasn’t something he wore on his sleeve, but it was in everything he did. His faith guided him in how he treated others—with grace, kindness, and humility. Dad always believed that actions were the best testament to a man’s faith, and he lived that every single day. One of the things I admired most about my father was his unshakable integrity. He had a strong sense of what was right and wrong, and he never backed down from what he believed in. Whether it was in business, his personal life, or a simple conversation, Dad stood firm for what he knew was right. He taught my brother and me that it’s easy to go along with the crowd, but true strength comes from standing up for what you believe, no matter the odds.

Dad was a well-rounded man in every sense. He had this incredible ability to be both a dreamer and a doer. He could talk about philosophy or faith one moment and then get his hands dirty working on an engine or pouring concrete the next. He found joy in simple things, whether it was spending time with his family, working on a car, or sitting in the pews at church. But no matter what he was doing, he gave it his all.

As I look back on the life my father led, I realize how incredibly fortunate I am to have had him as a role model. He showed me what it means to be a good man, a loving father, and a dedicated husband. He wasn’t just someone who talked about values—he lived them every day. And though he’s no longer here with us, I know that the lessons he taught me and the example he set will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I Love You, Dad. You were everything a son could hope for and more. I will carry your love, your lessons, and your spirit with me always.
